For OEM’s we do not formally represent and who face major delivery issues, IPS Australia can reverse engineer parts.
While proficient with traditional methods (gauges, calipers, dummy shafts, run-outs, etc.), we also offer onsite and in-workshop services for laser scanning, probing and reverse engineering.
Equipment include amongst others:
7-axis ISO 10360-12 8330-7 Romer arm,
Laser scanning, reverse engineering, 3D CAD, and CAE software (PolyWorks, SolidWorks…).
The advantages we offer are:
Speed and accuracy,
Combined expertise on rotating machinery, laser scanning and reverse engineering,
A capacity to mix the above capabilities and more traditional methods,
Decades of experience,
Extensive access to 3rd party suppliers overseas, in Australia and in New Zealand,
Back-up of multiple OEM’s for complex re-engineering, upgrades and manufacturing.
For reciprocating compressors, our long-lasting partnership with Burckhardt Compression and their incredible expertise enable us to provide consumable and capital spare parts on many reciprocating compressors.

Laser scanning abilities.

Comparisons of scans between old and new parts can be used to determine high and low spots.